• Cakes & Cupcakes

    Apple Cake with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting

    I heard from a friend recently that maple might be the new pumpkin spice. It’s been reported in a few places that, while pumpkin spice is not necessarily finished, interest in maple is on the rise. It may be the new flavor that helps us get into a fall mood. I think that is great news. I have always loved maple syrup, and like Buddy the Elf, I consider it a staple of my diet and baking. It’s great on lots of foods of obvious foods (pancakes, waffles, oatmeal) and some less obvious ones (butternut squash, carrots, salad dressing sweetener).

  • Crisps & Cobblers,  Egg-free

    Best-Ever Apple Crisp

    According to the calendar, fall began last week with the equinox. According to major coffee chains and supermarkets, fall began at the start of September, when tons of pumpkin spice flavored items began appearing. (It’s actually gotten a little out of hand. I like pumpkin spice just fine, but pumpkin spice cereal? I’m expecting pumpkin spice scented toilet paper any day now). However, according to mother nature, fall has not yet arrived, at least in the DC area. The weather has been hot and humid and not at all accommodating of my desire to wear cosy sweaters and sip hot apple cider. This is not unusual; September is basically still…

  • Baking Tips

    A Teaspoon of Tips: Best Apples for Baking

    Hello and welcome to my new feature, “A Teaspoon of Tips.” In these posts, I’ll offer general tips and advice on baking that I’ve learned from my adventures in the kitchen. I hope these will help bakers of all skill levels achieve the best results in their bakes! First up, a somewhat hot topic in baking during autumn: the “best” apples for baking. When you decide to go to the market with the intention of making a pie, tart, crisp, or cake, it can be overwhelming to decide which apples to get. There are often several varieties to choose from and little information on how they are different. There are…